Everything You Need to Provide the Media-rich Content That Today’s Learners Want and Expect
Familiar, Slide-Based Interface
We built XpressLab for non-techies, so you can start creating and using more engaging class content right away.
If you can use PowerPoint, Google Slides, or other slideshow software, then you can use XpressLab.
Easily Add Multimedia Elements to Presentations, Practice Exercises, and Tests
Provide stimuli and prompts in the form of text, images, audio, or video.
Upload your existing slides and transform them into multimedia, interactive lessons or tests.
Drag and drop images and pre-recorded audio and video.
Create audio and video straight from your own computer with Click-and-Go recording. You can use the built-in microphone and camera on your computer–no need for additional equipment or software!
Create Audio from Text!
Groundbreaking Text-to-Speech functionality transforms the text you type into spoken language for your students to hear.
Choose male or female voice.
For English activities, you have 3 accents to choose from: American, British, or Australian.
Configurable voice speed and pitch.
Create spoken questions, instructions, or lessons without using your own voice.
Users not only read and write, but also listen, speak, and draw.
Multiple types of questions and activities – with many variations for each – develop and evaluate a diverse array of skills, knowledge, and competencies.
Learners respond with text, Click-and-Go audio recording of their own voices, drawing, or creating their own multimedia presentation.
Give personalized text or audio feedback on an oral discussion activity.